S.138, ROADS ACT 1993

For your information – PLEASE READ

Works on behalf of a Utility Company  - If you are carrying out road &/or footpath works on behalf of a Utility, please refer to the ‘Road and/or footpath opening by contractor on behalf of a Utility company information sheet’ before lodgement of this application.

Prior to Lodgement of this Application -  You are highly advised to read and familiarise yourself with Council’s ‘Road and footpath opening fact sheet’ prior to lodgement of this application.

Lodgement is required no more than one month prior to works scheduled to take place. The permit will only be valid for the nominated period which shall be no more than 7 days, unless justified.

The fee for this application is as per Council's Fees & Charges.

This application is to seek permission to carry out a road opening in Council owned land (which includes road reserve, footpath and nature strip).

  • Please be advised that the type of application, that is Temporary or Permanent will be determined upon a site meeting with Council’s inspector and the issuing of the Cost of Works. If it is determined as a Permanent application you will asked to provide the contractors public liability and licence who will performing the permanent restoration.

  • This application may take up to fourteen (14) business days for assessment and processing, except in difficult matters for assessment and processing. The applicant must allow for this in planning any works.

  • This application is not an automatic consent. Your application will be assessed to determine whether conditional consent may be granted. Council’s Infrastructure Services Team will contact the applicant to arrange a joint inspection to determine the site area and cost of works upon the application being successful. Once the identified costs have been paid, written consent to carry out works shall be issued to the applicant. If an application is refused, the applicant will be notified in writing via email.

  • If the applicant requires confirmation of the finalisation of this permit this will be at an additional cost.  The confirmation of finalisation releases you from any further liability for the road opening once permanent restoration is completed.

  • Any works on a state road, regional road or within 100m of traffic signals requires a Road Occupancy License (ROL) to be obtained from Transport for NSW (TfNSW). A copy of the ROL must be attached when submitting this application to Council.

For further information or questions regarding this form, please contact Council via 9911 6555.

If you do not have a Council CDC or LGA no, you are required to gain approval through the lodgement of an Application for the approval of an activity Section 68 - Part B.

Application Fees

A minimum of fourteen  (14) business days’ notice shall be given to Council prior to works being undertaken. 

Should emergency works be required in less than 14 days, an additional urgency fee will be applicable as per Council's Fees & Charges.

This fee is non-refundable once the Road Reserve Opening Permit has been issued, even if the works do not proceed by the applicant.

If this application is for a Stormwater Connection, a Section 68 is required. If you have not applied and received a reference number beginning with ‘LGA’ this application cannot be processed. Please apply for a Section 68 here.

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Restoration Fees 

Please refer to  Fees and Charges.

Confirmation of Finalisation of Road Reserve Opening Permit

This releases you from any further liability for the road opening once Council completes the permanent restoration.

Site Address (Where works will be undertaken)

Applicant Details

Reason for opening

This permit will only be valid for the nominated period which shall be no more than 7 days, unless justified

Contractors details

Should you change your contractor after the permit is issued and before works commence, you will be required to lodge a “ Change of Private Contractor” application and pay the associated fee).

Contractor Documentation

Council requires confirmation that the contractor carrying out the works holds a current licence and is insured. Please provide evidence that the contractor is covered under your company’s insurance. Alternatively, it is possible to nominate the company as the contractor and provide the company licence.

Name of insured must be the name of the contractor, to the value of $20m for a period of 2 months.
Name on the licence must match the name on the Public Liability, and must be valid for a minimum of 2 months.

Owners Consent

Please ensure all property owners sign the owners consent.

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Additional documents required

Please include sequence numbers for Telstra, Ausgrid/Energy Australia, etc.
This MUST be certified by a suitably qualified Prepare Work Zone ticket holder. Failure to do so will result in the application being rejected, and application fees not refunded.
Location of opening clearly shown in relation to existing addresses and all assets within vicinity, proposed opening is clearly shown and dimensioned. Proposed manholes/boxes clearly shown and dimensioned. Assets include: trees, landscaping, road pavement, kerb and channel, footpaths, drains, service authority assets and private assets affected by the works.
If proposed works are on a STATE ROAD (See list above)
i.e. RMS, STA, NSW Police, Utility Authority
i.e. RMS, STA, NSW Police, Utility Authority

Applicant declaration

I hereby acknowledge that submission of this form does not permit me to commence any works.  I will only undertake works once written consent has been received from Council. I have read and understand the Terms & Conditions that apply to this form as well as Council’s Specifications for Road Openings.  All information provided on this form is known to be true and correct.

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Rams - RDApproval

(For Internal Use Only)

RoadOpenAp, ROPConfirm, ROPDAInsp, RdInteg